Saturday, December 12, 2009


秋番TVA里的翘首 越来越喜欢了 回天朝把祖国版小说补齐 立帖为证

PS: 顺便把月初南非世界杯小组赛抽签的效果图贴上 希望日本和澳洲袋鼠能走的远些 不过希望不大哈 @-@


进入12月份 国内的网络情况越发不妙 先是封BT 许多字幕组的发布页陆续关闭 很难讲下一步是不是还会对小驴动手 Verycd作为EM资源分享的重镇 这次能否逃出GCD的魔掌 前途堪忧

Monday, April 28, 2008

Beijing & Perth

Part 1: My hometown

Beijing, a metropolis in northern China, is the capital of the People`s Republic China. Beijing is China`s second largest city, after Shanghai. It is recoginsed as the political educational and cultural centre of China. The city will host the 2008 Summer Olympics.
Beijing is situated at the northern part of the continent. The city`s climate is a humid continental climate, characterised by a hot, humid summer and a harshly cold, windy, dry winter. It was about 7 hours sunshine per day in summer and the lowest temperature ever recorded is -27 in winter.
There are lots of styles traditional architectural building in here. The "siheyuan" consists of a square housing compound, with rooms edclosing a central countryard. Teahouses are also common in Beijing. Chinese tea comes in many varieties and some rather expensive types of Chinese tea are said to cure an ailing body extraordinarily well. Peking Roust Duck is perhaps the most well-known dish.
Beijing is an amazing city for those tourist who prefer a splendid holiday.

Part 2: The city of Perth
Perth is the capital of western Australia. It is located in the south-west corner of Australia, is one of the shuniest cities in the world. It is farmous for its many clean, beautiful beaches-excellent swimming, surfing, boating and fishing.
The climate of Perth is warm to hot in summer; cool and wet in winter. It was an average 8 hours sunshine per day.
Perth has many industries, such as tourism, grape growing, mining. There are also have several museums and art galleries. It is the cultural centre of western Australia. The student population is very large because Perth has four universities in the city.
The population of the city is about 1.3 million. Most of them are friendly. They love the outdoor, the sun, water and so on. The layout of city is flat, in the weekends, many people cycle around city which has many rilometres of cycle track.
Perth is a popular tourist destination for people who prefer a wonderful relaxed vacation.

Monday, March 31, 2008

My first day in Australia

My first day in Australia was both a happy and a strange experience. I arrived on a very cold day and rainy in September 2007, I was really excited to see my uncle. He left China five years before me and I was received as an honoured visitor.

My uncle took me to their home in Kogarah, which was quite a short drive from the International airport in Sydney, by the time we reached there I was very tired but I was too excited to sleep. He talked about many things that had happened since their family left China. They also talked about their life in Australia and how things were different from China.

Although I was delighted to see my uncle and his family, I realised my life would never be the same again. I was in a new country where everything would be different. I took a deep breath and hoped my new life in Australia would be a happy and fulfilling one for me.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Harmony Day

Harmony Day is an event held across Australia on 21 March, coinciding with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Targeted mainly at primary-school aged children, Harmony Day is an effort to demonstrate the Australian Government's commitment to promoting community harmony and to addressing issues of racism in Australia. Organised by The Living in Harmony Initiative, which in turn is administered by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA), the events major objectives are focused on reducing racial prejudice and intolerance in Australia. The event is symbolised by the Orange Awareness Ribbon, worn or displayed by those associating with the day's ideals and morals.

Harmony Day Events are primarily organised and run by community leaders or school board members or teachers. The Living in Harmony initiative supplies organised with free 'starter-packers' containing an array of merchandise associated with the day, such as stickers, badges, and sign displays. The initiative also recalls success stories of previous years events, and supplies a list of common successful methods to plan for the day.